We are so famous we can’t stand it.
Saturday No Sho?
You had a chance to see Metal Justice at Hardronic!!! Did you? Hmmm? Ruled, didn’t it? Totally.
“Go, Go Hardronic!”
No, that’s not what we say when Vinnie is pounding the shit out of his drum kit. It’s what you should say to your friends tomorrow night, dude. Metal Justice is going to staple scrotums to the door tomorrow night, August 4 at the Hardronic Festival in CERN Prévessin. It’s the first time we’re playingContinue Reading
It has been a very educational day.
I learned that Cary Grant smoked 60 cigarettes a day and brushed his teeth after each one.
Remember those Pizza Hut all-you-can-eat buffets?
Eh. Nevermind. I just can’t seem to give a shit, no matter how much I try.
We would have posted this earlier, but we were too busy rocking your fucking balls off and being totally famous.
Up Up and away
We’re back. Boy, that was a fucking nightmare. We need some slut pictures. Why aren’t you sending your slutty photos in? Come on!!!
Where’s my medicine?
Finally, I’m out on bail (thanks Chester, sorry about the rubbers with the pinholes tho). Let’s rock!
Why don’t you send your slutty pictures in?
That’s all. Does that make sense?